Equipment Hire


DB’s full equipment hire and operating service is tailored to each shoot. London based and with comprehensive knowledge, our dedicated team provide a professional and personalised experience to clients worldwide. Your hired kit is always up to date, clean, reliable and packed with care.


DB’s shoot computers, monitors and accessories are set up with a methodical attention to detail. Hardware & software are regularly updated to the highest standard in the rental business.

Our systems are built by the most experienced hands, ensuring fast, clean, reliable tech.


DB’s camera kits set the standard for attention to detail. Packages are built with the practical experience of working all types of shoot - ensuring your project runs smoothly every time.


Latest power supply solutions, fastest tethering options, lens filters, on-set speaker and more.



Contact the office for requests

Comprehensive lighting solutions for studio / location based shoots - quotes available on request.


Live Streaming/Social Distancing